SacRT Unifies the Sacramento Region through Annexation of Two Cities

December 19, 2018 SacRT News

The Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) has taken another historic step towards creating a more robust regional transit system. On December 13, the Citrus Heights City Council approved annexation of their transit service into the SacRT system and earlier this month, the Folsom City Council voted to annex their transit service.

“These monumental steps set up SacRT to be a true regional transit system and increases our competitiveness for local, state and federal funding, which helps the District become more efficient and competitive for grant funding in the future,” said Patrick Kennedy, Sacramento County Supervisor and SacRT Board Chair.

“The annexation of the transit systems in these cities will help unify the Sacramento region and make it easier for residents to seamlessly access jobs, school and critical services,” said Henry Li, SacRT General Manager/CEO. “Adding Citrus Heights and Folsom into our system elevates the entire Sacramento region to the next level.”

Similar to Folsom’s agreement, this next step increases the City’s voting shares on the SacRT Board, and provides for active collaboration in seeking grant funds and allocating formula funding for capital projects that will benefit the region. The City of Citrus Heights currently contracts with SacRT for bus service. Under this agreement, service levels will remain the same or improved. SacRT plans to begin operating Folsom’s Stage Line bus routes in early 2019.

“This is a win-win for Citrus Heights and the region. It will help improve our transportation services, preserve our paratransit access, and improve our bus stop maintenance," said Steve Miller, Citrus Heights Council Member and SacRT Board Member.

“Folsom is excited to benefit from SacRT’s transit expertise as the largest public transit provider in the region,” said Elaine Andersen, Folsom City Manager. “SacRT will be able to improve operational and administrative efficiencies that will benefit our riders, save money and allow the region to become more competitive for grant funding in the future.”

“Bringing these two cities into our network advances Regional Transit’s vision for the next generation of transit in the Sacramento region. This is a critical step to support that regionally shared vision,” said Jay Schenirer, Sacramento City Council Member, Sacramento Area Council of Governments Board Chair and SacRT Board Member.

“As we look to improve our region’s economic position, a robust transportation network is needed for economic growth,” said Barry Broome, CEO of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council.  “The consolidation of transit services in the region is sure to bring increased efficiencies that will lead to more convenient and dependent transportation options for our businesses and residents.”

“Having a multi-modal transportation system is absolutely essential to moving people and commerce,” said Amanda Blackwood, Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce CEO and President. “We know that our Capitol region’s customers and workforce cross over city lines. Ensuring they have an integrated and expansive transportation system to reach our businesses and neighborhoods is vital towards a connected region.”

“We need to make transit work for all people – working professionals and for people who do not have any other option but transit to get to work, school, or services,” said Bill Mueller, Valley Vision CEO. “The strides that SacRT is making demonstrate the importance of improving mobility in our region to help support job and business growth across the Sacramento region.”

On December 12, the Elk Grove City Council instructed staff to negotiate a contract for SacRT to operate e-Tran service and then work on an annexation agreement after the service is taken over.

Currently, SacRT is working to redesign the entire bus network with the project, SacRT Forward. Public comment will be accepted on a proposed network until Friday, February 1, 2019. The new bus network could launch as soon as July 2019. To comment and learn more about the proposed bus system, visit