SacRT GO Paratransit Services

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SacRT GO paratransit services is a door-to-door service for people with disabilities who are unable to use SacRT’s fixed-route bus and light rail services. 

Important Update for SacRT GO App Users  

SacRT GO is launching a new and improved scheduling app, which is expected to launch in mid-April 2025. 
Note: the current SacRT GO app be discontinued on Thursday, April 17, 2025. The last date to book a ride with the current app will be Wednesday, April 16, 2025.  
What this means for you: 
  • The new app and desktop booking system will offer an enhanced user experience. 
  • The new platform will also be available for Elk Grove e-van riders. 
  • SacRT GO riders can continue booking rides by calling the SacRT GO reservation line at 916-321-BUSS (2877), Option 2, Option 2.  
We appreciate your patience during this transition and apologize for any inconvenience.  

About SacRT GO paratransit services: 

  • Riders must meet ADA requirements and complete our eligibility determination process. Visit to learn more and download your application.
  • For reservations, dial  916-321-BUSS (2877) and select option #2. Our dedicated team is available from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to assist you. 
  • Plan your trips with ease by scheduling up to two days in advance, with trip bookings accepted until 5 p.m. the day before. 
  • SacRT GO's service hours, shadow SacRT’s fixed route bus and light rail services. Travel from 4:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. on the Blue Line for convenience. 
To be eligible for SacRT GO ADA paratransit services, one or more of the following statements must be true: 
  • You are prevented by a disability from independently getting to/from a bus stop. 
  • You are prevented by a disability from independently boarding, riding and exiting a fixed-route bus or light rail train. 

Riders must meet the ADA eligibility requirements to qualify and must complete an eligibility process in advance with SacRT, to determine if the applicant qualifies for ADA paratransit service. For more information on this process, and to download the application, please visit
For all information and services related to SacRT GO call 916 321-BUSS (2877), select option #2, for Reservations select option #2 again. The reservations line is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Passengers can schedule up to two days prior to when they want to take their trip, however they must be scheduled up to 5 p.m. the day before.
SacRT GO will operate whenever the Fixed Route Service or Light Rail service operates depending on the routes. Currently, the service can start as early 4:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. (Blue Line).
All previous policies for ADA paratransit service and Non-ADA service remain in effect, SacRT GO is providing both services.

Planning your SacRT GO Trip with the New SacRT GO Mobile App 

The SacRT GO Paratransit Mobile App is now available. The app can be downloaded in the App Store for iPhone users and on Google Play for Android users.  

Once downloaded, please contact SacRT GO Reservations at 916-321-BUSS (2877), option 2, then option 2 again, to activate your account. 

Use the new SacRT GO mobile app to request a ride, manage your trips, view trip details and get real-time updates about your scheduled trips all from the convenience of your smartphone.  

Download the SacRT GO Mobile App here: 

App Store: 

Google Play: 

Please note: Riders can only book rides on the new mobile app during regular SacRT Go reservation hours, Monday-Sunday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  

For help setting up your account, click here.

For questions or additional assistance, please contact SacRT at 916-321-BUSS (2877) 

SacRT Adds Supplemental Services to SacRT GO Paratransit Services

To ensure the best service possible for our customers, SacRT partnered with an Adaptive Transportation Network Company called UZURV to provide additional support for SacRT GO Paratransit Service customers. The partnership began on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.

UZURV independent contractor drivers will operate regular passenger vehicles to provide SacRT GO customers door-to-door service.  Vehicles are marked with a UZURV sticker decal on the front window and a SacRT GO magnet on the passenger side door.

Note: A new decal has been added to the front passenger window on UZURV vehicles in early 2024.

SACRT GO Stacked Logo
SACRT GO Stacked Logo

Learn more at

ZipPass Mobile Fare App for SacRT GO 

SacRT's ZipPass mobile app for fare payment will be available for SacRT GO customers starting Tuesday, February 15, 2022.

Download ZipPass to purchase fare directly from your smart phone.

To use ZipPass on SacRT GO, simply flash your active pass to the operator when boarding the vehicle.

Download the free app from the App Store or Google Play

Step-by-step guide for using ZipPass on SacRT GO

Step 1: Download the ZipPass app

Step 2: Create an account

Step 3: Set up payment method

Step 4: Purchase SacRT GO ticket

Step 5: Active Pass just before you board the SacRT GO shuttle

Step 6:  Show Active Pass to SacRT GO driver

ZipPass Step by step GuideStoryboard 2 2022 768x1187

SacRT Go Service

The only change to ADA paratransit service is that SacRT is operating the service directly, instead of contracting it to Paratransit Inc. (PI). SacRT’s ADA paratransit service team include many of the same drivers and reservationists that were employed by PI. Service levels will not change and fare will not increase.

SacRT’s focus is on working with our partners in the disability, elderly and transit communities to develop and operate an ADA paratransit service model that complements our accessible transit system and meets the mobility needs of all members of our community.

SacRT Go Fares

SacRT has improved the fares for paratransit service by adding free SacRT fixed route access with the purchase of a SacRT GO ADA 60-ride monthly pass for $137.50. In addition to being a better value for our customers, the 60-ride monthly pass is completely electronic and handled by SacRT utilizing our dispatching software, Ecolane. A Reservation Specialist will have access to verify a riders monthly pass and book ADA trips. They can also provide the remaining balance of trips for the month. Single ride paper tickets for SacRT GO service are also available for purchase. All single ride ADA and Non-ADA trips are $5.00 per trip.

All fare media purchased prior to June 28,2020 will be accepted; however, the 44-ride pass has been discontinued.

Single Ride Fare (one-way trip)$5.00$5.00
ADA 60-ride Monthly Pass$137.50Not available
Personal Care Attendant (PCA)FreeFree
Children Under Age 5FreeFree
44-Ride Monthly PassDiscontinuedNot available

For more information, contact SacRT’s Accessible Services Department at 916-321-BUSS (2877) or email

SacRT’s Letter to current ADA Paratransit Service riders

Click here for frequently asked questions

SacRT GO Rider's Guide

The SacRT GO Rider’s Guide is in the process of being revised. A new version will be posted soon. If you have any questions in the meantime, please call 916-321-BUSS (2877).

View a map of the SacRT GO service area

ADA service is within ¾ mile of an active bus route or Light Rail station, SacRT GO will also provide service within the SacRT service area that is beyond these minimum requirements.

(click the map below to expand)


SacRT GO Communications

SacRT GO Rider Alert - March 25, 2022