SacRT Pre-Paid Ticket and Pass Exchange

March 20, 2019 General

April 1 through August 31, 2019

Ticket Pass Exchange 768x486

Effective July 1, 2019, SacRT buses and light rail fare vending machines will no longer accept pre-paid tickets and passes with a June 30, 2019 expiration date. This year, SacRT staff will start the ticket and pass exchange earlier, on Monday, April 1, 2019, in order to provide better customer service, shorter wait times and ample opportunity for staff to answer questions about the transition to Connect Card and ZipPass fare options. In addition, transferring the value on to electronic fare media eliminates the need for future paper ticket and pass exchanges.

From Monday, April 1, 2019 through Friday, May 31, 2019, customers will have the option to exchange current, unvalidated Basic and Discount single fare paper tickets or daily passes (June 30, 2019 expiration date) for the fare equivalent value only on electronic media, Connect Card or ZipPass. Starting on June 1, 2019 through Saturday, August 31, 2019, the exchange will also include paper fare media.

Customers can exchange their pre-paid tickets and passes at the SacRT Customer Service and Sales Center located at 1225 R Street (adjacent to the 13th Street Station). To make it more convenient for our customers, other exchange locations will be scheduled over the next couple of weeks at key light rail stations. Please check or call 916-321-BUSS (2877) for updates.

Important Dates:

  • Monday, April 1: Pre-paid ticket and pass exchange begins (for cash value of tickets transferred to Connect Card or ZipPass ONLY)
  • Monday, June 3: Current valid pre-paid tickets pass exchange to include paper fare media
  • Sunday, June 30: Current pre-paid tickets and passes expire
  • Saturday, August 31: Last day of pre-paid ticket and pass exchange

Extended Weekday Hours (8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.):

  • Monday, April 1 through Friday, August 30

Special Saturday Hours (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.):

  • April 27, 2019
  • June 1, 2019
  • June 29, 2019
  • July 27, 2019
  • August 31, 2019