SacRT Bus Stop Improvement Plan

February 28, 2023 General, SacRT in Community

SacRT’s Bus Stop Improvement plan developed a comprehensive list of necessary and desired improvements to bus stops, amenities, and supporting pedestrian infrastructure. Civic Thread partnered with SacRT on this project to engage the broader community to ensure that transit-dependent, low-income, underserved, and minority community members had a full opportunity to engage in the planning process. Engagement has helped guide where funding should be prioritized to improve the SacRT bus stops for all residents. Civic Thread also conducted bus stop assessments to identify accessibility and safety issues at bus stops throughout SacRT’s service area.

Final Bus Stop Improvement Plan - February 28, 2023
Appendix E-1 (Corridor 1-10)
Appendix E-2 (Corridor 11-20)
Appendix E-3 (Corridor 21-30)
Appendix E-4 (Corridor 31-40)
Appendix E-5 (Corridor 41-50)
Appendix E-6 (Corridor 51-61)
Appendix G Cost Estimates

Bus Stop Field Evaluations Dataset
Download Here:

Community Engagement: 

  • The Draft Bus Stop Improvement Plan was available for public comment from Tuesday, January 10, 2023 through Friday, February 3, 2023. A virtual workshop on the draft plan was held January 25.
  • Bus Stop Improvement Survey:  SacRT and Civic Thread conducted a community survey which allowed respondents to express their concerns about what bus stops need to be improved. The Community Survey will inform locations for Community Walk Audits.The survey ended on Friday, June 17, 2022.
  • Open Houses: The first open house was held on September 1, 2022 in north Sacramento. A second open house was held on October 11, 2022 in Carmichael/Citrus Heights. A third open house was held in South Sacramento on October 25, 2022.  A fourth open house was held in Rancho Cordova on December 6, 2022. A virtual open house was held online on December 7, 2022. A virtual workshop to review the Draft Bus Stop Improvement Plan was held January 25, 2023.
  • Community Walk Audits: A community walk audit was conducted in the Meadowview area on Saturday, October 29, 2022 to inform community members about the project, gather feedback from resident experts, and identify issues with bus stops. 

Meet our Partner 

Civic Thread is a non-profit planning and advocacy organization that works at the regional and local level to elevate institutionally underserved communities and their priorities. They strive to create community-centered approaches to address historic inequities and prioritize investment in historically underserved communities.  

Learn more about the project: Civic Thread Website 


SacRT - James Drake