SacRT Displayed New Low-Floor Light Rail Vehicles in June

May 19, 2024 General, SacRT in Community

SacRT held two community events in June to showcase the  S700- SacRT's next generation low-floor light rail train. 

The first event was held on Saturday, June 1, 2024 at the 13th Street Station and the second event was held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at the 7th & Richards/Township 9 Station. 

Learn more about the S700 and its features at           

About the new S700 Low-Floor Light Rail Vehicles

SacRT is modernizing our light rail system to make future travel easier, safer, and more convenient for our riders. It is the biggest project in our history and will take five years to complete. Construction is scheduled to take place from 2023 to 2027.

The new S700 low-floor trains will begin service on the Gold and Green lines once construction is completed this Summer. Construction on Blue Line station platforms will begin in fall 2024.

Learn more about the project at